First I want to say thank you for the sweet emails/facebook messages you guys sent about Macedonia. I'm so very excited about it.
Also, I've watched Breakfast at Tiffany's 3 1/2 times in the last week. I really love Audrey, except in My Fair Lady... I kind of hate that movie. I know, it's a classic. I know, it's a movie I should appreciate. I just don't. Sorry boutcha. It might be the accent. Anyway, Audrey is one of my favorites. She's so cute and quirky.
In October I started reading "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller. It's about living a good story. The story God wants you to live. You can be a saved Christian and still be living a pretty boring and unimpressive life, drifting through your life without any real purpose or making any kind of difference. For Don, applying the concept of “story” to his own life meant that he began changing the way he was living. Changing the way he related to the people around him. It’s basically the story of a guy deciding to live life intentionally rather than drift through it.
The book was really moving and eye opening for me. I have a tendency to drift through life. About an hour after I finished the book I got an email From Andy Dukes about a mission opportunity in Macedonia. What?! Was this the beginning of a better story? Was this God saying "Here you go, Allison"? I read the email, prayed, and sent a response saying yes.
So, I will be going to Skopje, Macedonia (which is the country above Greece) in April, with a group of people to minister to the Roma. Roma people are extremely poor and have been persecuted for hundreds of years. They are the largest people group without their own country, so they spread out over most of Europe. We will primarily be working with children and teens while we're in Skopje. I have a passion for these people and am very excited to have the opportunity to directly minister to them.
My internet has been a little shotty lately. That's mostly because I've been stealing it from j-rome and apparently j-rome is downloading all the Lil Boozy music off limewire and making the internet so slow. Here is something good for you:
Want to live with me in the sunshine state? Well, today is your lucky day. Erin and I are looking for a 3rd roommate. Actually, we have been for a while. We live in a pretty amazing house in a pretty amazing neighborhood. We have one or two people that are currently interested... but if they don't work out, you may be in luck.
If you love Jesus, audrey hepburn, neighborhood walks, visitors, true blood, Louisiana, open windows, blue walls, vintage photos, apple sauce, thrifting, costume parties, trees, naps, publix, movie nights, etc. Then you might be a winner.
I do not have a picture of our house... but you can pretend it looks like this: Let me know, G.
I want to live in Louisiana (but NOT Denham Springs because the kids there are of the Devil). I've mentioned this before, but sometimes I think it might be the state for me... at least for a while. I'm a big fan of the crazy deep south. You just can't find culture like that anywhere else. Or kings cakes. Man, I love a king cake.
Listen, I've lost followers on this blog. I'm sorry, I'm so dang boring. I try, really I do. I try to entertain you with my personality, wit and pictures of cute boys. Was it the eyebrow post? I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Emily Post would not approve. Is it because I don't do give aways? Because, honestly, I think it can sometimes seem like a desperate plea to get lots of followers (but not always... and really I have nothing cool to give). Are the pin up girls just too much? Come on, you can tell me.
Also, if you don't hate me yet you definitely will after reading my new blog. Especially if you're featured... Muhaha!
PS- If you continue reading my blog you will soon see a post about my love for Louisiana and about some girl that wanted to punch me. Good news.
I stayed up until 5am Sunday Night/Monday morning talking to a boy about Texas, banjos, 1999, tours, and how we both hate fireflight... all while listening to an exceptionally wide variety of terrible (but at the same time, wonderful) music. Here is a small list of some of the hot jams we sampled: dr. dre, creed (hehhh), scott stapp (just in general), kutless (and how they wanted to be creed), unforsaken (and how they also sounded a bit like creed), random and terrible country artists that I will never remember, vertical horizon, pink, b-spears, relient k, linkin park, eminem (who we both secretly love), limp bizkit, slipknot, nickelback, audio adrenaline, skillet, jars of clay, that band that sang the "fireproof" song, newsboys (and how we thought entertaining angels was so beautiful), bare naked ladies, andrew w. k., beanbag, etc. Pretty awesome huh? This is what we were MOST excited about:
You know what I'm really not good at? Plucking my eyebrows. I hate it. It hurts me so much. You're probably thinking "Allison, You're a crazy person. Is it really that bad?" Yes, it really is. I've even tried putting numbing cream on my eyebrows before hand. No luck.
The obvious solution is to just have them waxed. Waxing isn't so bad. I'd much rather have one giant pain than 100 tiny pains. I should just get my eyebrows waxed when I get my hair cut. Sadly, my hair guy doesn't do eyebrows. He's too manly and straight for that. Yes, I have a manly straight hair guy. Weird, huh? Anyway, I would have to let one of the girls at his salon do them for me. Problem: They all wear excessive eye makeup, have large chunky highlights, and wear sequins to work. Clearly I can't trust any of them to tame my brows.
So, If you see me looking like this: Instead of this: you'll know why. Soon, These will be my only friends.
Sometimes I think I need this car. I mean, how cute would I look in my gigantic sunglasses, driving this around listening to my hot jams? Someone help me make this happen. PS - This is not at all a joke.
A little while ago Miss Cottage Girl posted a blog about meeting Ree, more commonly known as Pioneer Women. I favorited her blog, but just got around to reading it about 2 weeks ago. She's charming, witty, and absolutely a domestic goddess (even though she lives on a ranch).
Something old: Doobie Brothers - Black Water This is one of my favorite songs so you better watch the video... because you know I'd like to hear some funky dixieland.
Something new(ish): Jack White and Alicia Keys - Another way to die If you're my facebook friend or follow me on twitter then you're fully aware of my love for Jack White. He's definitely celebrity boyfriend worthy. However, I'm going to be honest, this is a pretty dumb video. You don't have to watch it.
My taste in music has changed drastically over the years. I mean, I once thought that matchbox 20 was the best band ever created. Granted, I was probably 12 years old. Is that even a valid excuse though? Probably not. Thankfully, I never got into nickelback. All that being said, I still think I have exceptional taste in music.
I have the biggest crush on Luke Wilson. It's mostly because of his jaw bone. I'm having a lot of fun talking about my celebrity boyfriends. Please tell me who you have a crush on!
Hey friends. Look down and to your right and check out my new blog buttons! A big thanks to Miss Ashley Watts for making them for me! Aren't they cute?! Go tell her how great she is.
Also, I'm still freezing... but today I'm going to buy a springtime bridesmaids dress for this little lady's wedding. Good news. Speaking of weddings, If you're looking for a good love story I definitely recommend reading this one by Pioneer Woman. It's about a cowboy. Swoon.
Um, can we please talk about the weather for a minute? It's been in the high twenties and low thirties for the last few days. Can I please remind you that I live in Florida. FLORIDA. Sadly, I do not have any cute snow pictures like every other blog... Oh wait, yes I do! This is me is 1989... the last time it snowed here.
Last night I had to stand outside and take money for a concert at my church. I basically turned into a popsicle. I think I need someone to teach me about warm clothes. It was worth it though, I talked to some kids, heard some sweet lilies and sparrows jams, and had quality time with friends at waffle house.
Ok, clearly I have nothing to say except I'm really cold and do not know how to dress appropriately. Someone bring me some hot chocolate. The end.
James Dean is my second favorite celebrity boyfriend. Especially when he wears glasses. Swoon. Once in high school my mom bought me a James Dean light switch plate. For real. He is the hottest thing.